func Init() if(isset(Handle)) var(obj, res, job) obj = Handle res = res_ job = job_ stack &= println('Dim ', res, ', ', job) end end // RunTime: // Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time to run a job. // The form must be: "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.MMMMMM(+-)OOO", // where "YYYYMMDD" must be replaced by "********". // For example: "********143000.000000-420" specifies 14.30 (2:30 P.M.) PST with daylight savings time in effect. func doCreate(Data) println('Set ', regEx_, ' = New RegExp') println(regEx_, '.Pattern = "(\d(\d|)):(\d(\d|)):(\d(\d|))"') println('Set ', Matches_, ' = ', regEx_, '.Execute(DateAdd("n", ', Interval,', Now()))') println('For Each ', Match_, ' in ', Matches_) block.inclvl() println(RunTime_, ' = "********" & Replace(', Match_, '.Value, ":", "") & ".000000+" & ', TimeZone) block.declvl() println('Next') println('Set ', objShare_, ' = ', obj, '.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob")') println(res, ' = ', objShare_, '.Create(', Command, ', ', RunTime_, ', False, 0, 0, True, ', job, ')') println('If ', res, ' <> 0 Then') block.inclvl() event(onError, res) block.declvl() println('Else') block.inclvl() event(onCreate, job) block.declvl() println('End If') end