func Init() if(isset(Handle)) var(obj, sink) obj = Handle sink = SINK_ stack &= println('Set wmi', sink, ' = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemSink", "', sink, '_")') println('') if(linked(onEvent)) lng.begin_func(sink + '_OnObjectReady(wmiObject, wmiAsyncContext)') event(onEvent, 'wmiObject.GetObjectText_()') lng.end_func(BLK_FUNC) end end end func GetScale() fvar(query) switch(Object) case 'Tree': query = 'RegistryTreeChangeEvent' case 'Key': query = 'RegistryKeyChangeEvent' case 'Value': query = 'RegistryValueChangeEvent' end return(query) end func GetWhere() fvar(param) switch(Object) case 'Tree': param = 'RootPath' case 'Key': param = 'KeyPath' case 'Value': param = 'KeyPath' end return(param) end func doMonitoring(_data) if(linked(onEvent)) if(linked(RootPath)) println(query, ' = "SELECT * FROM ', GetScale(), ' WHERE Hive=\'HKEY_', Hkey, '\' AND ', GetWhere(), '=\'"', ' & Replace(', RootPath, ', "\\", "\\\\") & "\'"', (Object='Value')?(' & " AND ValueName=\'' + code(Value) +'\'"'):'') println(obj, '.ExecNotificationQueryAsync wmi', sink, ', ', query) else println(obj, '.ExecNotificationQueryAsync wmi', sink, ', "SELECT * FROM ', GetScale(), ' WHERE Hive=\'HKEY_', Hkey, '\' AND ', GetWhere(), '=\'', code(replace(RootPath, "\\", "\\\\")), '\'', (Object='Value')?(' AND ValueName=\'' + code(Value) +'\''):'','"') end if(Mode) println('While(1)') block.inclvl() println('WScript.Sleep 1000') block.declvl() println('Wend') end end end