include("object") override("control","doText") func Init() var(id) id = Label_ fvar(old) old = fvar(dtAlign) switch(Alignment) case 0: dtAlign = Alignment case 1: dtAlign = 2 case 2: dtAlign = 1 end if(AutoSize ='True') dtAlign += 256 end println('Set ', id, ' = ', get_parent(), '.TextRect(', Left, ', ', Top, ', ', Width, ', ', Height, ', ', replace(Text, '\r\n', '" & vbCrLf & "'), ', CLng(', dtAlign, '))') println('WScript.ConnectObject ', id, ', "', id, '_"') // Common methods and properties Object_Init(id) Control_Init(id) // Local methods and properties println('') end func doText(_data) println(id, '.Text = Replace(', Data, ', "\r\n", vbCrLf)') end