func Init() var(obj) obj = Stream_ stack &= println('Dim ', obj) println('Set ', obj, ' = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")') println('') println('Set ', obj, ' = Nothing') end func doOpen(_data) if(isset(Source)) fvar(mode_, opt_) switch(Mode) case 0: mode_ = 0 case 1: mode_ = 1 case 2: mode_ = 2 case 3: mode_ = 3 case 4: mode_ = 4 case 5: mode_ = 8 case 6: mode_ = 12 case 7: mode_ = 16 case 8: mode_ = 4194304 // 0x400000 end if(Options) opt_ = Options * Options else opt_ = -1 end end println('With ', obj) block.inclvl() print('.Open') if(isset(Source)) print(' ', Source, ', ', mode_, ', ', opt_, ', ', Username, ', ', Password) end println('') println('.Type = ', Type + 1) if(isndef(CharSet) and Type) println('.Position = 0') println('.Charset = ', str(CharSet)) end if(isndef(LineSeparator) and Type) println('.LineSeparator = ', LineSeparator) end block.declvl() println('End With') event(onOpen, obj) end func doClose() println('If ', obj, '.State Then ', obj, '.Close') end func doLineSeparator(_data) println(obj, '.LineSeparator = ', _data) end func Stream() return(obj) end func Size() return(obj + '.Size') end func State() return(obj + '.State') end func LineSeparator() return(obj + '.LineSeparator') end